
A Vietnam Retrospective


By Bing West

President Biden has promised that by 2022, the residual American military forces will leave Afghanistan. When that happens, it will complete the trifecta of American failure in its three major wars in the last half-century: Afghanistan, Iraq, and Vietnam. Having spent years in Vietnam, when I look back, several causes for our failure there stand out.

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The ire of Afghanistan's money exchangers exposes the dangers of government reforms


By Nafay Choudhury

Life seems mostly normal these days in Kabul’s currency-exchange bazaar, Sarai Shahzada. Located in the center of Kabul, the bazaar hosts more than 400 shops, spread over four floors, and facilitates hundreds of millions of dollars in transactions daily. From morning to evening, the money exchangers manning these shops hustle with one another for the best

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A U.N. Peacekeeping Mission Is Afghanistan’s Best Hope


By Charli Carpenter

For better or worse, the United States military is leaving Afghanistan. Proponents for withdrawal argue the U.S. has done all it ca

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Leaving Afghanistan and why America doesn’t win wars


By Amin Saikal

Since World War II, the United States has lost just about every war that it has fought in a developing country. It has epitomised the tragedy of a world power’s incapability in asymmetric conflicts. The latest war, from which the US is now bowing out without having achieved its original objectives, is the 20-year conflict in Afghanistan. The potentially disast

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