
How Afghanistan can get benefit from One Belt, One Road Project?


By Dr. Sayed Yahya Akhlaqi 

There are more than two hundred nations whose flags fly outsides the UN headquarters. Every nation aspires to become a developed country but the reality is that there are only a few dozen nations that are either developed or on the high growth trajectory to join this league of developed nations.


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The Retrenchment Syndrome: A Response to “Come Home, America?”


By H. R. McMaster

In the decades after the U.S. withdrawal from Vietnam, the simplistic but widely held belief that the war had been unjustified and unwinnable gave way to “the Vietnam syndrome”—a conviction that the United States should avoid all military interventions abr

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The long-drawn violence in Afghanistan


By Syed Akhtar Ali Shah 

Taliban must agree to a political setup providing chance for all the political groups to participate in the elections

 Afghanistan has been under fire ever since the Saur Revolution because of undue foreign interference as well as the doings of many of her own leaders -

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Afghanistan Peace Negotiation belongs in Afghanistan, not Qatar, Russia, or China


By Michael Rubin

While American diplomats continue to spin U.S.-Taliban talks as aiming for a peace deal, Afghans are more realistic: They see Special Envoy Zalmay Khalilzad’s diplomatic process as aiming not at peace but rather just providing cover for a pre-determined U.S. decision to withdraw its forces. At issue is not only U.S. forces in the country. NATO partners with

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Islamic State Wilayat Khorasan: Phony Caliphate or bona fide province?


By Siddhant Kishore

While there is raging debate about whether the Taliban and the Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) are foes or operational allies, there is little doubt that ISKP continues to pose a threat to the ongoing peace process, and the Afghan security.

The Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) is known to ha

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