
Political Reform Urgently Needed in Afghanistan


By Jennifer Brick Murtazashvili and Mohammad Qadam Shah

Without reform of its centralized political system, Afghanistan will remain mired in factionalism and civil conflict.

After counting votes for more than five months, Afghanistan’s independent Election Commission (IEC) this week declared that President Ashraf Ghani had won a second five-year te

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What Kind of Government Do Afghans Want?


By Dr. Yaqub Ibrahimi

A political settlement in Afghanistan will require an agreement on regime type: electoral democracy versus emirate. What do the people prefer?

The current conflict in Afghanistan is not only being fought on the battlegrounds, but also presents as a political rivalry over regime type between the government and the Taliban. The govern

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Bacha Khan: an epitome of peace


By Syed Akhtar Ali Shah

The death anniversary of Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, popularly known as Bacha Khan, was commemorated yesterday (January 20) by his admirers and followers, and events like public meetings, seminars, poetics sessions, painting contests, quiz competitions and dramas will continue throughout the country beyond January 20. Epoch-making personalities like Bacha Khan can be be

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Framework of Russia and Islamic World’s Partnership


By Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta 

The end of the Cold War and Bipolarity of international system gave birth to Unilateralism, despite the wishes of people around the world, the International legal system was ignored. Many countries were invaded; their governments were toppled, and their people bore the damages.

Islam replaced c

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Soleimani’s Assassination: Challenges for Afghanistan


By Said M. Azam

Iran’s missile attacks on Al-Assad and Irbil military bases in Iraq could be the beginning of the most fatal and chronic of all conflicts that the region has ever witnessed in the last five decades. While president Trump has warned of further attacks against Iranian targets including cultural sites and imposition of additional and more severe sanctions on Iran, th

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