
Afghanistan’s Complex Women’s Rights Discourse


By Dr. Davood Moradian

Are women’s rights and gender equality universal or culturally and geographically confined to the West? Are there certain cultures and political systems that are inherently misogynistic? Are the concerns of Western powers’ about women’s rights sincere or are they an instrument to pursue their own political objectives agains

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UN Water Diplomacy Efforts in Central Asian states and Afghanistan


By Andriy Larin

Since its establishment in 2007, UNRCCA Mandate is to liaise with the Governments of the region on issues relevant to preventive diplomacy, supporting regional dialogue and political initiatives of the countries of the region; to provide monitoring and analysis; to maintain contact with regional organizations and facilitate coordination and in

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The Afghanistan Withdrawal Will Make Syria’s Seem Orderly


By Michael Rubin

Trump is right to recognize that Americans are tired of “endless wars.” But withdrawing from Afghanistan without a workable solution will mean the country will fall to the Taliban all over again.

The recent Read more

Sri Lanka and Afghanistan: A Growing Partnership


By M. Ashraf Haidari

The past four decades have hardly been kind to the peace- and freedom-loving people of Afghanistan. But despite the many destructive conflicts imposed on the country, Afghans armed with a steel willpower have persevered to survive and thrive in what is an increasingly complex and dangerous world. Since the fall of the Taliban, the people of A

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Elections in Afghanistan: good omen for peace


By Syed Akhtar Ali Shah

The nine rounds of peace talks between US Representative Zalmay Khalilzad and the Taliban eclipsed the election campaign in Afghanistan. The news of reaching a final accord with the Taliban and their meeting with President Trump had further dampened the hopes of elections being held on the scheduled date of September 28. The Taliban had declared the elections as hoax

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