Roundtable Discussion on The Crisis of Service Delivery of Government Institutions

Posted on: 06-12-2021

On Monday, 06 December 2021, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies held a virtual roundtable discussion on "The crisis of service delivery of government institutions." The speakers were Ms. Nahid Naji, the former head of the Center Zone Revenue, and a university professor, Ms. Qadiseh Shojazadeh, a women's rights activist, and the host was Ms. Shukria Mashal Mobarez, a human rights activist.

The speakers spoke about the lack of knowledge of the Taliban in various fields and the crisis in the country, saying that their lack of capacity has caused the current problems and now not only is not able to solve the problems of the people, but also their own challenges. They cannot solve it and because of their economic needs, they take money from people under various pretexts. Speaking about the Taliban's treatment of women, speakers said that pressure from the international community could force the Taliban to respect human rights, especially those of women.