Roundtable Discussion on Indigenous Security Structure: Challenges and Opportunities

Posted on: 07-06-2021

On Monday, June 7, 2021, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) held an online roundtable discussion on “Indigenous Security Structure: Challenges and Opportunities”. General Massoud Andarabi, Former Minister of Interior of Afghanistan, Tamim Asey, Executive Chairman of IWPS and Former Deputy Minister of Defense, General Abdulhadi Khalid, Former Deputy Ministry of Interior, and Dr. Arian Sharifi, Analyst, were the speakers of the program. The event was moderated by Wazhma Frogh, Founder of the Women and Peace Studies Organization.

General Massoud Andarabi said that if we look at history, we see that Afghanistan has always had different military structures, but unfortunately the wars of recent decades have disrupted them. For the past two decades, an important foundation has been laid in the military structure of the country. "We have structures in the national security and defense forces that respond to threats against the country, but we must update ourselves in this regard," he added. We also need technology, manpower and information systems in this area.

Tamim Asey believes that localizing security in Afghanistan means Afghanizing and controlling the military situation; and Afghanizing the training of Afghan soldiers. He added that the command of the security forces must make a fundamental decision in several cases; what kind of forces and what kind of equipment do they want for these forces? We have to decide on the type of this war as well, whether it should be short, medium, or long-term war. We must also determine a system for our forces, to function like Eastern (Russian) or Western forces. Unfortunately, we do not have a war room to decide on these issues

Dr. Arian Sharifi stated that we must first redefine security in Afghanistan. Afghanistan has national, international, and humanitarian security issues; we must focus on international security because many countries are involved. In Sharifi's opinion, in the current situation, peace is not practical for two reasons. First is the internal reason; after 20 years of fighting foreign forces, the Taliban consider themselves winners of this war. The second is the external reason; there are reasons why Pakistan has continuously supported the Taliban and still does. Other countries also support the Taliban for a variety of reasons.

General Hadi Khalid stated that the responsibility should not entirely be placed on the military. The role of people and good governance are also crucial. If people cooperate with the security forces and good governance is implemented, security will improve. The first step to be taken is governmental reform. General Khalid emphasized that localizing security and improving the current security situation would be a difficult task until we mobilize and bring to power those forces who do not want Afghanistan to return to the past

You can watch the full video of the roundtable discussion at the link below.