Roundtable Discussion on Afghanistan, Russia Relations: Opportunities and Obstacles

Posted on: 01-03-2021

On Monday, March 1, 2021, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) held an online roundtable discussion on “Afghanistan, Russia Relations: Opportunities and Obstacles". Dr. Jafar Mahdawi, Secretary General of Afghanistan Mellat Party; Dr. Ramazan Daurov, Head of the Political Section, Russian Embassy in Kabul; Dr. Omar Nessar, Director, Center for Contemporary Afghan Studies, Russia and Siamak Heravi, Writer and Journalist, were the speakers of the program. The event was moderated by Ferdaws Kawish, journalist.

Dr. Ramazan Daurov said that many events have taken place in the history of Russia-Afghanistan relations; what is important is the future of relations between the two countries. Politicians should expand relations, because Russia has always been a partner of the Afghanistan government. He said that the United States should leave Afghanistan when the violence has decreased. Secondly, the United States is paying for the Afghan forces that Russia will not be able to bear such a cost.

Dr. Jafar Mahdavi stated that in the last 20 years, Afghanistan and Russia have had intermittent relationship; this has had negative consequences for both countries. He added that both countries should pursue strategic and calculated relations; this is possible when the two countries cooperate in trade and security. According to him, Russia did not want to deepen its ties because of Afghanistan's security and economic dependence on the United States.

Siamak Heravi pointed to the fluctuating relation between Afghanistan and Russia; but after the withdrawal of the Soviet Union, extremism spread in Afghanistan and the region which still is a global threat. He said both countries should work for peace and the fight against fundamentalism, adding that Russia did not have a program-oriented policy and that this kept relations at the same level.

Dr. Omar Nesaar said that after the fall of Taliban, relation between the two countries expanded during 2001-2005 period where Afghanistan gained a special place in Russia's foreign policy. But after that relations between the two countries fluctuated, trade and other cooperation needed to improve relations between the two countries. He added that foreign troops must leave Afghanistan at an appropriate time.