Special Conversation with the Negotiating Team of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Posted on: 30-12-2020

On Wednesday, December 30, 2020, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) held a special conversation with Honorable Mohammad Massom Stanekzai, head of the negotiation team of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Ghulam Farooq Majrooh and Mohammad Nateqi, members of the Afghan Republic negotiating team.

Masoom Stanekzai said that the aim of the peace talks is to end the war permanently and preserve the achievements of the last two decades in Afghanistan because war and violence have been going on in the country for more than four decades and a military way has been tried. Each time the system has changed fundamentally, the whole structure has collapsed. According to Mr.Stanekzai, the war in Afghanistan has various factors, but the absence of all groups in power and the competition of regional and world countries in Afghanistan is one of the main factors. He added that negotiations and a peace agreement would pave the way for the participation of all groups in Afghanistan. According to Stanekzai, not inviting the Taliban to the Bonn conference was a historic mistake, and if they had attended the meeting, there would have been no need for negotiations. He added that the negotiating team represents a democratic Afghanistan and will make every effort to bring peace. But if there is sabotage by the Taliban and the negotiations fail. There will be one way left for the people of Afghanistan, and that is public mobilization against the Taliban, and this time mobilization will be much easier.

Ghulam Farooq Majroh said that the negotiations are led and owned by Afghans as there is no foreign involvement. He added that the Taliban have agreed to negotiate based on their agreement with the U.S. Government. The government has come to the negotiation table based on the demands and the will of the Afghan public. He said that the negotiating teams were able to agree on a unit agenda with much discussion and that it could be called a success because it paved the way for fundamental and serious discussions.

Mohammad Nateqi said that there was immense pressure on the Taliban negotiating team after the Ulema council of Qatar led by Qarzawi spoke against the conflict in Afghanistan. He added, the Taliban were told by their supporters that despite their long presence in Qatar, they were not able to attract the support of Qatar clergy. The Afghan republic negotiating team was successful in getting the support of the Qatari clergy to end the conflict in Afghanistan. He said the UN recognizes and supports the system we have, not the system the Taliban have been fighting for. We will not come short in defending the Afghan republic.