Roundtable Discussion on Corona and Environment: a Special Look at Biodiversity

Posted on: 06-06-2020

On Saturday, June 6, 2020, the "General Assembly to Fight Coronavirus Crisis in Herat" held a virtual roundtable discussion on "Corona and Environment: a Special Look at Biodiversity". Kazem Humayun, head of the Environment Directorate of Kabul; Nizamuddin Jalil, head of Balkh's health department and Hamed Elham, general manager of public relations at Environmental Directorate of Herat, were the speakers of the program. The event was moderated by Attia Mehraban, civil activist.

The first speaker, Mohammad Kazem Humayun, stated that aspects of the coronavirus were generally different in local, regional and international sectors. Humayun believes that coronavirus was nature's response to human performance/behavior. Under Article 15 of the Constitution, Afghanistan government needs to review the legal system and bring environmental laws in line with other laws to address existing challenges, he added. In his opinion the environment needs to be better regulated, with laws on recycling, laws on the control of toxic substances, and a strategy for the mountain areas, so that people could use clean energy. Homayoun criticized the economic and social systems in Afghanistan, so that the curriculum of schools should be reconsidered, to include the environment in school lessons.

Hamed Elham presented his speech in three parts: "the Effects of Natural and Artificial Performance on Biodiversity; the Relationship between Biodiversity and Reduction of Mental Illness, Industry, Economics and Tourism; and Global Impacts of Pollution on Biodiversity". He stated that every human action against nature involves a reaction that affects humans themselves. In his opinion, these measures should be taken to protect the environment: 1) increase per capita of green space; 2) alternative energies should be used instead of fossil fuels, and 3) environmental awareness should be raised.

The final speaker of the program, Dr. Jalil, believes there is a direct relationship between the environment and human health; thus, the cause of many diseases in humans is the way they treat the environment. Environmental protection requires coordination between sector and partnership efforts to meet global health standards, he added. He further elaborated that whenever environment and environmental health is strengthened, it will reduce diseases, and so the budget used in this sector will be used in other sectors. He believes that creating a green environment is effective for the morale of citizens and reduces mental illness.