Online Roundtable Discussion on Ramadan and Corona

Posted on: 23-04-2020

On Thursday, April 23, 2020, the "General Assembly to Fight Coronavirus Crisis in Herat" held an online roundtable discussion “Ramadan and Corona”. Mohammed Moheq, Afghanistan's Ambassador in Egypt/Religious Scholar; Tariq Nabi, Expert on Religious Studies; and Dr. Atefa Tayeb, University Professor, were the speakers of the program.
At the beginning of the program, Amb. Moheq said that Corona is a new phenomenon and its dimensions have not been accurately identified; therefore, religious scholars do not agree on the issue and it has caused different perceptions among the group. According to him, religious scholars will issue Fatwas based on the views of medical professionals; in other words, if peoples' health is in danger due to certain conditions that coronavirus can cause, it should be legally eased and individuals and families may not fast. But otherwise, the rules of fasting will remain unchanged. Mohaghegh added that religion and religious rules have come to create human ease and comfort, so religion is in the service of man and not man in the service of religion.
Tariq Nabi was the next speaker of the event, and he talked about the role of religious institutes in helping people during Ramadan who face challenges because of coronavirus. He also spoke about the ways to prevent further spread of the coronavirus in the country. He added that according to health recommendations of the Ministry of Health, gatherings of people should be prevented; especially during the month of Ramadan for religious ceremonies; and people must consider it seriously. Nabi added that operational tasks such as paying Zakat and delivering food to the needy are the duties of all of us.
In her opening remarks Ms. Tayeb mentioned that fasting cannot increase the risk of getting coronavirus. The psychological dimension of the corona has caused panic among people, due to causalities, unknown and lack of medication for the disease. Ms.Tayeb spoke about the medical and spiritual dimension of fasting and said that fasting does not cause any health problems for healthy people. She added that proper nutrition during the month of Ramadan is one of the most important points that should not be overlooked and the body`s immune system should not be weakened. Ms.Tayeb confirmed Tariq Nabi`s remarks about holding public praying, and added that this issue must be considered seriously and public gatherings must be prevented around the country.