AISS-Herat Convenes Provincial Taskforce on COVID-19

Posted on: 30-03-2020

Today on March 30, 2020, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies-AISS in a jont initiative launched a General Assembly to Fight Coronavirus Crisis in Herat. This assembly is established to coordinate among active organizations to fight the COVID19 coronavirus pandemic in Herat. This assembly consists of twenty member organizations.

To control further outbreak of this pendemic, focus on public health to overcome this crisis in Herat will help the entire country. The main goal of this assembly is to advocate to eliminate the systematic discrimination against Herat and other western provinces.

The General Assembly to Fight Coronavirus Crisis welcomes independent individuals and organisations who are willing to take part in this mission.

Assembly Members:

Khan-e-Mehr, Afghanistan Institute for Research and Media Studies, Kaashi Media, Afghan Women's News Agency, Mediothec Youth Network-Herat, Women's Social Equality Institution, Civil Society and Human Rights organization, Movement of Volunteers Fighting Covid19, Afghanistan Civil Society Forum organization, Women Activities and Social Services Association (WASSA), Hashte Sobh Newspaper, civic initiatives, Voluntary intervention and Coherence Organization , Ariana Youth Organization, NAI- Supporting Afghanistan Open Media, Jam training Center, Afghan Azma Printing and Advertising, Nawandishan Javan Social and Cultural Association, Student Movement, Civil Society Working Group, evolution Generation, Bayan Social Council - Herat Province, Coordination of Rehabilation and Development Services For Afghanistan, Herat Chamber of Industries and Mines, Fekr Bartar Social Association, Roshan Andishan Young Social Association, Massoud Foundation, Sussex Asia Centre, Young Thinkers Hariva Association, Jami Hospital, Jami University, Modern Development Team, Innovators Team, Vatan24 News Agency, Herat Paik Newspaper, Baysanghar Foundation, Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS), National Center for Dialogue and Progress, Action For Development

Phone number: 0093 799404140

Also you can follow the official Facebook page of the Assembly at the link below: