AISS Held Lecture Session on Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Reform in the Ministry of Interior

Posted on: 06-02-2020

On February 6, 2020, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) hosted H.E Gen. Mohammad Masood Andarabi, Minister of Interior of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan for a lecture session on “Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Reform in the Ministry of Interior”. Distinguished current and former Afghan Government Officials, academics, military experts, civil society members and media representatives, ambassadors and diplomats participate in the event.
In his opening remarks, General Andrabi said that over the past two years, challenges including leadership, management, corruption, accountability, lack of training, and logistical mismanagement in the police have been identified. He said the Ministry has put plans and strategies in place to address these challenges. He also said that a structural assessment of the ministry has been conducted to address these vulnerabilities. “The new Officers’ Law, the de-politicization of senior police ranks, and the civilianization of certain police departments are some of the steps the ministry has taken”, said Gen. Andarabi, to address these challenges.
Gen. Andarabi said that the Ministry of Interior has created an internal security department within the ministry to address the issue of corruption. He said that the ministry has linked its training, qualifications and promotion sections to create a better outlook and appraisal system in the ranks of police.
Gen. Andarabi said that in the past, anti-corruption structures in the ministry were decentralized. However, the ministry has created new centralized mechanisms to counter corruption and implement reforms.