AISS Held Lecture on English Patriotism in the Light of English as a World Language

Posted on: 12-09-2019

On Thursday, 12 September, 2019, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) held a lecture session on English Patriotism in the Light of English as a World Language” in which government officials, experts, university academics, and members of Civil Society participated.
Dr. John Casey, lecturer in English at the University of Cambridge and fellow of Gonville and Caius College, was the speaker and Dr. Omar Sharifi, director of the American Institute of Afghanistan Studies, Moderated the program.
Dr. John Casey spoke about the English Patriotism versus English Nationalism in different periods. Dr. Casey also discussed the rise of English language as a Global Language. He said that until 16th century, the English language “had no prestige and was considered a useless language” by the Germans, French and the Spaniards. He also discussed the influence of the Church on the English noting that the English “were not very religious”.
In a Q&A discussion, Dr. John Casey discussed the positive effects of British colonization while noting the “atrocities” and crimes committed in the Indian Subcontinent.