Launch of the Farsi Translation of the Book Islamic State

Posted on: 29-08-2019

On August 29, 2019, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) organized the launching ceremony for the Farsi translation of the book "Islamic State” authored by Abdel Bari Atwan, prominent Arab author and editor. The book is translated into Farsi language by Hussain Ehsani, Researcher at the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies and published by the department of publications of the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS). The launching ceremony was accompanied by a panel discussion with Hussain Ehsani, Arian Sharifi, former Director of Threats Assessment at National Security Council, and Bilal Sarwary, Journalist. This book is an attempt to identify the roots and fundamentals of fundamentalism and terrorism that are known in the region as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
Hussain Ehsani, the translator of the book, provided information about the contents of the book. In his remarks, he said that the book has identified and defined the issue of the emergence of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), at the local, regional and international levels. The book also provides a coherent study of how the countries involved in the war with the Islamic State have resisted. He also noted that the book could be a model for the Afghan policymakers and decision makers in combating the phenomenon of extremism and Islamic State, providing the experiences of Iraq and Syria.
Arian Sharifi spoke about the presence of Islamic State’s Khorasan branch in Afghanistan. Sharifi said the group was first identified in Farah and Helmand provinces in late 2014, but later expanded to various areas, including in 2017 in 17 provinces, and in 2019 in 22 provinces. According to Sharifi, the majority of fighters in the Khorasan branch of Islamic State are Pakistani citizens.
Bilal Sarwary, said that the Islamic State’s presence in the country was initially exaggerated by Afghanistan analysts and officials, to at attract more international cooperation. However that approach failed, because not only did their aid not increase, but also we are now witnessing the withdrawal of foreign forces. Mr. Sarwary said that the Islamic State recruits from among the educated Afghans. He iterated that Islamic State is a serious threat to Afghanistan and it is the responsibility of the government, especially the intelligence services, to put an end to such activities in the country.
The event was attended by representatives from the Afghan government, Parliament, civil society, academia, and media agencies. The event was followed by a lively Q/A session.
Those interested to read the Farsi translation of the book can access the book from Amiri Publishers in address and Phone number below.
Amiri Publishers, Street 4, Asmayee Road, Joye Shir Book Bazaar, Shop #77.
Phone Number: +93700290114