AISS Appreciates Afghan National Security Forces

Posted on: 30-05-2019

On Thursday, 30 May, 2019 Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies Regional office hosted a dinner reception to thank the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and honor their sacrifices with participation of Herat’s senior security officials, civil society activists and journalists.  
Firouz Shadab, Deputy Civilian Chief of Police in Herat, Sayed Ashraf Sadat, Representative of Afghanistan Civil Society Forum Organization and Akhtar Mohammad Representative of Afghan National Security Forces’ Families delivered remarks in the reception. 
At first, Firouz Shadab said that Herat’s relative security depends on the security forces' activities and launching such programs will be effective in healing the pain of the martyrs’ families. 
He added that the casualties of the Afghan National Security Forces is a Red line of Ministry of Interior and tries to reduce casualties in the battle with the enemy to zero. 
After that Sayed Ashraf Sadat, Representative of Afghanistan Civil Society Forum Organization, spoke about the rights of families of deceased ANSF members and called on the security officials to expedite the process of increasing the wages and privileges of the families of deceased ANSF members.
At the end of this program, Akhtar Mohammad Representative of Afghan National Security Forces’ Families, demanded that the senior security officials pay more attention to the security forces in the first line of battle. He also called on security officials to increase the privileges of the families of the deceased ANSF members, including provision of land, and job and study opportunities for children of the deceased soldiers.