AISS held a Roundtable Discussion on Afghanistan: A Platform of Cordiality & Cooperation for All

Posted on: 09-05-2019

On Thursday, April 09, 2019, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) held a roundtable Discussion on “Afghanistan: A Platform of Cordiality and Cooperation for All”. Distinguished, academics, civil society members and media representatives attended the event. The purpose of the program was to discuss Afghanistan to become a hub of regional and international cooperation.
The speakers and members of the panel included Mahmood Saikal, Former Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Afghanistan to the United Nations, and Jawed Ludin, Former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. The moderator for the panel was Abdullah Khenjani.
In the beginning of the event, Mahmood Saikal discussed a history of cooperation and cordiality between countries of the region and beyond post-911 and Bonn process (2002-2006). He also discussed challenges that turned these cooperation to competitions, which in turn resulted in more security disruptions in Afghanistan and region. He also said that the proposal to turn Afghanistan into a hub of cordiality and cooperation among all countries was shared with the United Nations General Assembly and the United Nations Security Council last year.
Mr. Jawed Ludin also discussed a history of cooperation among regional and International stakeholders of Afghanistan. He added that there is need for coordinated cooperation to turn Afghanistan into a platform of cordiality and cooperation for all.
At the end, there was an open debate/discussion among the participants of the roundtable and the panelists.