AISS research on the Political Culture in Herat

Posted on: 13-09-2018

AISS branch in Herat launched its recent research titled ‘the Political Culture in Herat’ on September 13, 2018. This study used the survey as a method to explore the political culture of Heratis.

A number of authorities, experts, university lecturers, civil society members, and students participated in the launching ceremony.

Two University lecturers, Dr. Aref Fasihi DowlatShahi and Mr. Mohammad Faqiri shared their perspectives on the study including the strengthens and weaknesses of the study. Dr. DowlatShahi stated that this study is unique in its kind as there has not been any research on the political culture of Heart and Afghanistan. The other commentator, Mr. Faqiri spoke about the political culture of the Timurid Dynasty and how it can be comprehended and understood in the present context. He suggested that the researchers could use content analysis and mixed methodology for making the research much more valuable.