Prominent International Researchers join AISS

Posted on: 16-12-2017

The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) is honored and welcomes Professor. Magnus Marsden as AISS Chief Academic Adviser, Professor Thomas H. Johnson as Non-Resident Senior Fellow, and Mr. Nafay Choudhury as Resident Research Fellow to its team member.

Professor Magnus Marsden is Director of the Sussex Asia Centre School of Global Studies, University of Sussex. He joined Sussex in November 2013 from SOAS, University of London where he was Reader in Social Anthropology. He studied for his BA and PhD degrees at Cambridge University, where he was also Junior Research Fellow at Trinity College, Cambridge, and Graduate Officer in Research at the Centre of South Asian Studies, University of Cambridge.

Professor Thomas H. Johnson is the Research Professor and Director of the Program for Culture and Conflict Studies at the Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA. He has conducted research and written about Afghanistan, South Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa for over 2 decades. He has taught at the University of Southern California and the Foreign Service Institute, and frequently lectures at Service Academies.

Mr. Nafay Choudhury is a PhD Researcher at King’s College London, where his work theorizes on the relationship between legal and nonlegal norms in developing societies. Nafay has been working on and researching South Asia for the past 10 years. He has published in the areas of legal pluralism, legal education, comparative law and religious institutions, particularly in the South Asian context.