Book Launching of 'From the Monarchy to the Fall of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan'

Posted on: 03-12-2017

On December 3, 2017, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) organized the launching ceremony for the book “From the Monarchy to the Fall of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan”. The book was authored by Mr. Abdul Wakil, Former Foreign Minister of Afghanistan. The book recounts Mr. Abdul Wakil’s personal experiences serving the Afghan government as an active and engaged politician in the past regime. During this event, Mr. Amrullah Saleh, founder of Afghanistan Green Trend and Dr. Abdul Ghafoor Liwal, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Borders and Tribal Affairs, provided their assessment of the book.
Mr. Abdul Wakil briefed the audiences of its contents. During his speech, Mr. Abdul Wakil narrated a number of passages from the book to convey his thoughts to the audience. The event was attended by representatives from the Afghan government, parliament, civil society, academia, and media agencies. The event ended with a Q&A session.