AISS holds a Round-Table Discussion on “Conversation with Dr. Spanta: “National Unity Government: Structure and Priorities”

Posted on: 22-07-2014


The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) organized a round-table discussion titled “Conversation with Dr. Spanta on, “National Unity Government: Structure and Priorities” in Kabul, as part of its Afghan presidential election program.

The round-table was attended by government officials, media, civil society activists, members of parliament, academia and Kabul-based international organizations.

In the conference, Dr. Spanta briefly explained what is the nature and structure of “National Unity Government” as well as its priorities. Dr. Ahmadi, Mr. Elham Gharji and Mr. Nader Nadery shared their intellectual insights in this regard.

At the second part of the conference, participants shared their question from the panelists.


To watch full conversation click HERE