AISS Held Round-table on “Role of Civil Society in Future Afghan Government”

Posted on: 07-08-2014



On Thursday August, 7, 2014, Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) with cooperation of Counterpart International held a round-table discussion on “ Future Afghan Government and Role of Civil Society”. The discussion was attended by Afghan government officials, civil society activists, political experts, academia and media.

The discussion inaugurated with welcoming remarks of Director General of Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies. Mr. Farid Hamidi, Deputy of Independent Commission of Human Rights of Afghanistan, Mr. Liaqat Ali Amiri, lecturer at Gowharshad University, and Ms. Farzana Marie, AISS researcher were the panelists respectively shared their experiences of civil society in Afghanistan. Active participation of civil society in national programs of future government was emphasized in the session.

At the end of the round-table, panelists responded to questions of participants. The session ended and the discussion continued the remainder of the night over musical concert and BBQ.