AISS Co-organized Herat Day

Posted on: 14-04-2017

The regional office of the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) in western city of Herat organized the first celebration of “Herat Day” alongside with a number of other provincial partners. The idea of designating a day to celebrate the historic city of Herat was born and later developed by a group of Herat’ s civil society, academia, local authority and media representatives. During a city-hall consultation meeting, co-chaired by AISS regional representative Mr Yama Salik, April 14 was chosen as a symbolic date for celebrating Herat Day. The all-volunteer task force comprising of AISS and a dozen partners designed a program for the first celebration of the Herat Day. The main celebration took place at Herat citadel in the evening of April 14, 2015, which brought together over 5000 joyful guests to celebrate Herat’s rich culture, history, art, music, literature and artifacts.
The leadership of Afghan National Unity Government, Dr Ashraf Ghani and Dr Abdullah sent their message of support and congratulations. The idea of “Herat Day” aims to utilize a symbolic day to celebrate both Herat’s glorious history and to contemplate on Herat’s present challenges and opportunities. It is hoped “Herat Day” to become an umbrella and an opportunity for the people of Herat to make amicable bridge between Herat’s proud history and its present abundant natural and human potentials. To this end, AISS will assume responsibility for producing annually “Herat Year Book”. The first edition will be released during the 2nd celebration of Herat Day on April 14, 2016.