Posted on: 06-05-2015

The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies is honored and welcomes Gen. Abdul Hadi Khaled as “Researcher ” to AISS team. He is in charge of AISS’ research project on “Radicalization Trends among Afghan National Security Forces” (ANSF).The project aims to gauge the level of radical views among the Afghan security personnel and to understand the underlying factors of green on blue attacks, killing of an Afghan solider by an Afghan solider and other issues which are supposed to be analyzed within radicalism and extremism.

Previously he has held position of Vice Minister MOI of Afghanistan (2006-2007). He is volunteer Lecturer at Dunya University, Kabul and was Senior security advisor of ESR (East Silk Rout) logistic company until July 2014. General attended Military School in Kabul (1977-1980) and High Military College of Minsk, Soviet Union (1980-1985) where he accomplished a Master Degree.