AISS launches “Herat School of Security” research project

Posted on: 28-05-2015

The Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) has commenced its first research project in security studies to explore the conception of security in Persian/Sufi sources & the possibility of synergizing Persian/Sufi approaches with contemporary conceptions of security. The two-years old project aims to articulate a conception of security based on normative and ethical principles that Persian/Sufi traditions have long advocated. The conception has been named, the “Herat School of Security”, denoting Herat’s centrality and contribution to Persian civilization and Islamic/Khorassani Sufism. It endeavours to bring together three constituencies of Persian classical literature, Sufi traditions and contemporary security studies to collaborate on developing a coherent conception of security, reflecting both the normative principles of Persian/Sufi schools and its relevance to contemporary security discourses and challenges. The project will include scholars and authors from Afghanistan, the region and wider global community. The project will be formally introduced in the fourth Herat Security Dialogue-HSD on 2-3 October 2015 in Herat, Afghanistan. The first consultative meeting took place on Thursday 29th May, 2015 at AISS compound, which brought together Afghan experts and the representatives of UNESCO and a number of friendly embassies. The consultative meeting was chaired by project coordinator Mr Reza Mohammadi.

If you would like to make research contributions to the project, please contact Qudratullah Rajavi, the project secretary through this email: