Round-table on “Overviewing of Russia Policy in Afghanistan”

Posted on: 05-01-2017

On 5th January 2017, the Afghan Institute for Strategic Studies (AISS) organized a roundtable under the title of “Overview of Russia Policy in Afghanistan”. The panel was moderated by Ms. Wazhma Frogh, advisor to the Ministry of Defense and Director at Women and Peace Studies Organization. The speakers of the panel were ambassador Sultan Ahmad Baheen, Director General of Third Political Department of Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dr. Omar Nessar, Director of Center for Contemporary Afghan Studies (via Skype) and Dr. Sardar Rahimi, Deputy Ministry of Education & University lecturer.

A number of issues, including recent trilateral meeting of Russia, China and Pakistan were discussed.
A number of government officials, academia, civil society activists and journalists participated in this event. The event followed by question and answer session at the end. The session was broadcast live via LIVE Facebook.