Balancing the Use of Water Resources in the Amu Darya Basin

Posted on: 27-02-2017

ADBN Policy Brief No. 2.

Joelle Rizk and Berdakh Utemuratov
ADBN Contributors: Dr. I. Abdullaev, Dr. M. Aminova, Prof. V. Dukhovny, Dr. N. Eqrar, M. Krasznai, Dr. S. Rakhmatullaev, Dr. O. Shipin, H. Thakkar, and Dr. D. Ziganshina.

Central Asia and Afghanistan are abundant in natural resources, including land, water and energy. Basin countries depend on the Amu Darya Basin for different economic and livelihoods needs.

The major characteristics of the Amu Darya River include its trans boundary nature, its division between irrigation use and hydropower use, and most importantly, the extent to which these two uses can be regulated. The lack of mutually agreed regulatory regimes of the Amu Darya Basin lead to challenges related to the balance of water usage between energy production and agriculture in the upstream and downstream of the Amu Darya Basin.

This policy brief reviews the major issues of balancing water usage in the Amu Darya Basin as well as the challenges to equitable water governance. It is the result of the collaborative work of the Amu Darya Basin Network.


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