Current Researches

Status:  Ongoing

Project Background and Justification

Religio-Political movements have always been active across university campuses in Afghanistan. Some of these movements declines democratic intellectual and practical basis for their activities, which is why universities in Afghanistan had experienced violence and extreme acts in the past. Nowadays a diversity existed in the forms of these Religio-Political movements across universities, which some of them pursue democratic and pluralist values. The Religio-Political movements are influencing and directing students toward specific political views and acts. Through this path Religio-Political movements across universities influence the whole society in a wider range.

Considering this important point, this research attempts to present a catalogue of active Religio-Political movements across universities of Afghanistan. This typology of Religio-Political movements will be conducted based on the following elements: Religious Narrative, Political Organization, Political System or Form of Government, Intensity in act through a sociological approach.  

Goal and Objectives

This research follows two kinds of goals. First theoretical goals which includes:

  • Studying and Assessing active Religio-Political movements across university campuses.
  • Providing a list of active Religio-Political movements across university campuses.
  • Presenting a scientific typology of current Religio-Political movements across university campuses, considering the following elements:  Religious Narrative, Political Organization, Political System or Form of Government, Intensity in act through a sociological approach.

Second practical goals which include:

  • Providing a cognitive path for students and social as well as political managers to a better understanding of Religio-Political movements.
  • Providing more pluralistic intellectual basis for Religo-Political movements across universities.
  • Advancing proper recommendations, based on the results of the research, for a better management of Religio-Political movements across universities.


  • Afghan government, Particularly higher education institutes
  • Private education service provider institutes
  • Students
  • General Public  


The primary phase of the research, which is mostly qualitative, includes subject’s literature review, subject’s background and theoretical study of the subject. This part will smooth the path and provide a theoretical framework toward the second phase of the research.

The second phase of the research which is quantitative will use a descriptive survey methodology to approach subject. Based on the extent of the research a number of structured interviews (survey) will be hold from a random statistical population. The survey questionnaires will produce current and firsthand data which can be tabulated and analyzed. Sample size has been determined from the senior students of different universities, based on Morgan’s table which is 384.

Moreover, a number of In-depth interviews will be conducted from university professors in different fields, and other experts whom are active in research’s related fields. These qualitative interviews will help us collect qualitative data through one-on-one engagement with individuals. All of the interviews will be hold face to face and interviewer will try to collect concise and realistic usable data.