
Afghanistan: Beyond Ethnic Politics and ‘Jihad Dividends’


Dr Davood Moradian

Afghanistan appears to be joining the group of countries that produce contested elections. Unlike the universally commended first round of the presidential election in which Afghan voters and security forces bled for democracy, the second round has resulted in the polarisation of Afghan society. A joint, skilful, patient and firm intervention from the international community could prove essential in salv

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AISS Holds Launching Ceremony & Roundtable Panel on Heart of Asia Process



On Monday June 23, 2014, the much-anticipated launching ceremony of the AISS Heart of Asia Process (HoAP) report was held at the institute’s lovely courtyard. Some sixty attendees of Process’ member states and organizations listened to four panelists discussing the HoAP and the report. Richard Ghiasy, co-author of the report, elaborated on the findings. These underlined the Process’ remarkable achievements to date, and imp

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AISS Releases the Most Comprehensive Report on the Heart of Asia Process to Date



The AISS’ Richard Ghiasy and Maihan Saeedi release the most comprehensive report on the Heart of Asia Process (HoAP) to date. The HoAP is a useful institutional vehicle for Afghanistan and the broader region to broker discussion on common threats and opportunities.

The fact that this is within a single platform among states that have hitherto had difficulty interacting is a victory in itself. And, the brief timeframe

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Obama’s Afghan war: Dereliction of duty




July 8, 2014

Dr. Davood Moradian


The problem is not Afghanistan’s colossal challenges but Washington’s receding self-confidence and incapable leadership.

Osama bin Laden’s father-in-law, spiritual mentor and ideological comrade, Taliban leader Mullah Omar, is celebrating his “big victory” over the exchange of fiv

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Germany: An Unsure Power in Conflicts




Friday, June 6, 2014

Dr Davood Moradian

Germany offers the world legendary philosophy, art, music, industry and enterprise. Yet unlike its towering reputation for these noble attributes, Germany does not have a distinctive foreign policy identity outside of Europe.

To paraphrase the title of Henry Kissinger’s book, Does America Need a Foreign Policy?, the question th

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